Amended Reserved Matters approval in Corby

J & J Design have obtained a Variation of Condition approval on a Reserved Matters approval for an amended scheme at the Priors Hall Park development in Corby. Original outline planning permission was granted in 2007 for Priors Hall Park, with plans to build just over 5000 houses on the 900 acres of land. A [...]

By |2023-01-12T09:30:39+00:00December 17th, 2020|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Two self build dwellings allowed on appeal in Worcestershire

J & J Design obtained Planning Permission following an appeal against refusal of two self build dwellings in Worcestershire. The appeal site was outside but adjacent to the Settlement boundary and it was submitted that the proposed development was suitably located such that it would accord with aims of the local plan policies for the [...]

By |2022-04-12T11:28:44+01:00November 24th, 2020|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Conversion of Courtyard Barn complex for Business Use

J & J Design have obtained Planning Permission for the change of use of a Courtyard Barn complex for B1 Business Use near Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. The Courtyard is a traditional south facing U-shaped barn complex of mainly single storey buildings for traditional mixed-farming uses, including dairy farming which is no longer undertaken at the farm. [...]

By |2020-11-16T10:42:02+00:00November 16th, 2020|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Approval for Residential Development of Disused Garden land

We have obtained Full Planning Permission for a residential development of five dwelling houses with associated access, parking and garages on disused garden land on a site in Sutton Coldfield. The site is situated within an existing residential area, in what is considered to be a sustainable location with good transport links. Local and national [...]

By |2020-08-14T16:51:22+01:00June 26th, 2020|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Approval for Residential Conversion of Poultry Shed

Permission has been granted for the conversion of a disused poultry shed, in Essex, into a single dwelling under Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015. It was concluded that the proposed change of use of this agricultural building into one dwelling was acceptable in relation to the [...]

By |2020-04-02T07:20:34+01:00April 2nd, 2020|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Proposed Industrial Unit in Cambridgeshire

Following the grant of planning permission for an industrial unit building (B2 use) with ancillary office space (B1 Use), which will provide three individual two storey units, J & J Design are working with the landowners to discharge the planning conditions and the detailed design. The site is in an established Employment Area in Cambridgeshire [...]

By |2020-05-29T15:46:57+01:00March 20th, 2020|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Storage Building approved in Green Belt

A rural business has obtained planning permission for a new storage building in the Green Belt. The proposed building will comprise a steel framed structure with two roller shutter doors and four personnel doors. The external walls will be clad in plastisol coated box profile steel sheeting and the roof clad in natural grey fibre [...]

By |2020-01-08T14:21:27+00:00January 8th, 2020|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Replacement Storage Building approved for Rural Business

A rural business has obtained planning permission for a replacement storage building. A former poultry house and single storey lean-to extensions used for machinery and plant storage suffered severe damage as a result of a heavy snow fall. Work commenced on the erection of a new structure to replace the former poultry house and single [...]

By |2020-01-06T15:48:42+00:00October 31st, 2019|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Agricultural to Residential Barn Conversion – Class Q Approval

This agricultural barn has been granted Prior Approval under Class Q of the Permitted Development Regulations for residential conversion to a two storey five bedroom dwelling with integral double garage and gym. The primary structure and, profiled steel wall and roof cladding is to be retained in this agricultural to residential barn conversion. A single [...]

By |2020-06-01T15:09:24+01:00October 8th, 2019|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments

Barn Style Self Build Bungalow Planning Permission

Landowners dream come true with planning permission granted for a Barn Style Self Build Bungalow in Bedfordshire. The site is currently agricultural land adjoining the Settlement Envelope. The application was supported by a Landscape and Visual Assessment prepared by The Landscape Partnership. The LVA concluded that the proposed dwelling would reflect the existing settlement [...]

By |2020-05-15T08:12:51+01:00September 13th, 2019|LATEST PROJECTS|0 Comments
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