In March 2022 Natural England announced emerging evidence which identified significant recreational pressure on Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC), more specifically Ashridge Commons and Woods Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) component.

Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) which were identified as partly or wholly with the 12.6km Zone of Influence (ZOI) were contacted and asked to find a strategy to mitigate the impacts of future residiential developments on the Chiltern Beechwoods.

The following LPAs are working together to provide a solution:

  • Buckinghamshire Council(Aylesbury Vale and Chilterns Districts);
  • Central Bedfordshire Council;
  • Dacorum Borough Council;
  • St Albans City and District Council;

Dacorum Borough Council have now produced a mitigation strategy and associated processes to satisfy the requirements of the Habitats Directive.

The mitigation strategy includes the following elements:
1. Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM)
2. Identification of SANG sites to provide compensation
3. Identification of a Gateway Project

Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM)
The first arm of the Mitigation Strategy will address issues at Ashridge Estate. All new development (one house or greater) will need to pay a new SAMM tariff which will contribute towards a range of projects that will be implemented to mitigate the impact of new development on the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The projects are designed to mitigate the likely scale of development that will come forward within the 12.6 kilometres Zone of Influence.

The final figure is apportioned across all growth taking place across the affected local authorities.

The local authorities have agreed to the following apportioned costs:

Council/admin area SAMMS apportionment Indicative cost per dwelling (subject to change in line with how each authority chooses to implement its respective cost)
Dacorum Borough Council £9,420,290 £913.88 per dwelling
Central Bedfordshire Council £1,626,536 £182.49 per dwelling
St. Albans City and District Council £212,123 £828.61 per dwelling
Buckinghamshire (north and central) £6,998,025 £566.23 per dwelling
Buckinghamshire (south) £18,536 £87.03 per dwelling


Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG)

In addition to the above SAMM payment all new developments within the zone of influence must contribute towards either

a) a new (bespoke) SANG; or

b) contribute towards suitable SANG projects elsewhere.

Any development seeking to deliver 10 or more net new residential dwellings (or equivalent) must be located within (or on the edge of) the catchment of a SANG project. That SANG must have existing capacity and meet any further criteria necessary to accommodate the proposed scheme. Smaller development proposals for up to 9 net new residential dwellings (or equivalent) are not restricted to catchment areas of SANG. If such a development is not within the catchment area of a SANG with sufficient capacity, it can contribute towards an existing SANG elsewhere.

Dacorum Borough Council approved the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation Mitigation Strategy in November 2022. It also approved two Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) Management Plans for Bunkers Park and Chipperfield Common.

Larger developments (10 or more new homes) must be located close to a suitable SANG. Smaller developments can contribute towards an existing SANG. Developers that are unable to provide a suitable new SANG will be required to make a payment towards the long-term management and maintenance of these sites, which equates to £4,251.71 per new home.

Central Bedfordshire have also finalised its mitigation strategy and successfully designated seven open spaces, as Strategic Alternative Green Spaces (SANGs), to mitigate the impact of development in parts of southern Central Bedfordshire on the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation.

They are now determining planning applications within the Zone of Influence again, with opportunities available for developers to contribute towards strategic SANG solutions by way of mitigation.

The mitigation strategy can be downloaded here.

The SANG standard per unit tariff will be £4,273 (where a SANG is not provided on site). Exceptions to this tariff are as follows:

  • One-bedroom dwellings will be charged at three quarters of the standard rate – £3,205 per unit (£4,273*0.75)
  • HMOs, of up to and including 6 bedrooms, will be charged the standard tariff. HMOs of over 6 bedrooms will be charged the standard tariff plus 1/6th of the standard rate for every bedroom over the 6-bedroom threshold.

In St Albans District larger developments (10 or more new homes) must provide their own suitable SANG that meets the guidance from Natural England. Smaller developments (1-9 homes) can contribute towards an existing SANG. A potential Council SANG site in the District has been identified and agreed in principle as being suitable with Natural England. For smaller developments (1-9 homes) applicants will be able to request use of the Council SANG solution and the Council will consider if it meets relevant criteria. If the criteria are met and capacity is available, applicants will be able to use the Council SANG solution by paying the required per dwelling figure of £6,603.

Buckinghamshire Council approved a draft Mitigation Strategy at its Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 16 July 2024.  This will allow the Council to demonstrate that it has discharged its legal obligations under the Habitats Regulations and, once a strategic SANG has been approved and secured, it will then be possible to remove the current housing moratorium. A planning application is in progress for a Strategic SANG at Kingsbrook, Aylesbury . This SANG, if approved, has capacity to support 3295 new homes. It is estimated that there would be approximately 2,300 dwellings which are currently in the pipeline and anticipated windfall sites up to 2033 which could be mitigated by a Kingsbrook SANG.

Keep checking our website for updates and contact us for further assistance and advice with your projects.