Planning Applications
Planning Applications prepared and submitted to local planning authorities with supporting plans and statements. Our ethos is to provide the Council with sufficient information to gain planning permission without the need to appeal. We regularly work with other consultants and disciplines to co-ordinate the full application package. J & J Design is an Accredited Agent with Central Bedfordshire Council indicating the level of professionalism in our preparation of planning applications in accord with validation requirements. This standard is maintained for applications to all other planning authorities.
For further information about the difference between outline and full planning applications click here.

Pre-Application Submissions
Local planning authorities now offer a pre-application service. This enables potential applicants to submit sketches and a summary of their proposals to the planning department and obtain preliminary advice on whether the proposals will be supported and the level of documentation needed to support a formal planning application. This route gains helpful advice and direction prior to investment in fully detailed drawings and technical documents. J & J Design can advise on the circumstances when pre-application advice is helpful and prepare the necessary summaries and sketches to support a pre-application.

Agricultural Barn Conversions
Since April 2015 there are 3 main uses to which an agricultural building can change under permitted development rights. These include retail and business, educational and residential uses. There are size thresholds, limitations and conditions associated with the rights. J & J Design are familiar with these limitations and have obtained approval for conversions to a number of barns.
J & J Design has years of experience in appeals whether by Written Representation, Hearings or a Public Inquiry. We are very willing to undertake appeals against decisions where we were not the agent for the planning application. For further information about the different types of appeal click here.
Local Plan Representations
Every local planning authority in England has to maintain an up to date Local Plan. Allocations of land are required for commercial and residential development. Councils are also required to maintain a raft of policies which are positively prepared to deliver sustainable development to meet local needs and national priorities. J & J Design have experience in site promotion and representations on behalf of developers, landowners and community groups to ensure that local interests and needs are recognised. This includes appearance at Hearings before the Examination Inspector.
Enforcement Assistance
We are experienced in assisting landowners who are threatened with Enforcement action from the local planning authority. Planning law is complex, however we are experienced in finding a way through the maze using legal planning advice.
Feasibility Studies and Site Appraisals
J & J Design have experience in preparation of Feasibility Studies and Site Appraisals to guide Site Valuations and future development prospects. Planning history, policy and other land use constraints and opportunities are evaluated either as a desk based exercise or following a site visit and a detailed report provided.
Lawful Development Certificates
Lawful Development Certificates can be obtained for unauthorised uses and development which have existed in excess of 10 years (or in some cases 4 years). The responsibility is on the landowner to provide sufficient evidence to prove the case. J & J Design have successfully co-ordinated landowners evidence to obtain a certificate of lawfulness in a variety of circumstances. Lawful Development Certificates can also be obtained for proposed uses. This is particularly useful for ensuring that permitted development is acceptable to the local authority and also provides a legal document for future sales of property and land.
Architectural and Surveying
We work closely with Architectural and Surveying consultants and can arrange Topographical surveys and Architectural Drawings as part of our project packages.
Our Clients
Our existing client base includes Residential and Commercial clients, the Agricultural industry, Community projects and Leisure providers.